1. Competing teams will be composed of 2 competing members with 1 alternate (alternate is optional). The alternate can only be used if a team member is injured and cannot continue with the rest of the events. If a team member is injured during an event and cannot finish the event, the team will receive a DNF (Did Not Finish) in that event. Only full-time sworn law enforcement officers and active duty military personnel will be allowed to compete.
2. All rifles must be departmental approved weapons. Rifles must be of .308 or .223 caliber unless otherwise pre-approved by the event coordinator. No specially modified competition or target grade rifles will be allowed. The same rifle will be used in every event unless damaged beyond immediate repair. In this case a substitute rifle may be allowed for the remainder of the events.
Substitution of weapons will not be allowed while an event is in progress. Teams can however continue with the remaining rifle providing each shooter fires his own rounds at his assigned targets. The damaged rifle must be carried as well.
3. Ammunition will be checked before each event to ensure only factory-loaded duty ammunition will be utilized. NO re-loaded ammunition will be allowed.
4. Shooters will not be allowed to move about the range with loaded rifles. Loading will only be permitted in the assigned firing positions and under the direct supervision of a range safety officer. Bolts on all rifles will be left open at all times while moving about the range. This includes while moving from one firing position to the next during an event. Rifles will not be allowed off the range until cleared by a range safety officer.
5. Hearing protection is mandatory in all events. Eye protection is at the shooter's discretion but recommended by the event staff.
6. All competitors will be required to wear limited callout gear during all events. Callout gear includes handgun, full call-out uniform, and footwear typically worn during tactical operations and training. Tee shirts may be worn if this is approved by your agency, but clothing such as shorts and tennis shoes will not be allowed. All equipment used must be carried throughout the entire event.
7. Shooters will not be allowed to fire warm up shots for any reason.
8. There will be no shooter or weapon alibis. All weapons should be functioning properly prior to starting a course of fire. If you have a question about the condition of your weapon, it should be checked in advance by the event armorer.
9. Shooters will be required to strictly follow all range safety rules and safety officers' instructions. Violations will result in disqualification in that event and / or expulsion from the range.
A safety violation includes but is not limited to:
"Negligent Discharge" which is defined as the discharge of a firearm in an unsafe or unintentional manner.
Dropping any firearm during an event. Dropping is defined as the total loss of control of said firearm in which the weapon falls to the ground uncontrolled by the shooter. If a shooter falls during an event and his or her weapon hits the ground, this may not constitute disqualification if a reasonable effort is made to control the weapon during the fall. The safety officer for that event will make this decision as needed.
Allowing the muzzle of his/her loaded weapon to sweep other team members, range officers or spectators.
Any other act deemed grossly unsafe by the range safety officer.
10. Any competitor who intentionally avoids an obstacle or shooting stage without a reasonable attempt to complete it will result in a team disqualification.
11. Shooting Positions Defined as:
Prone: Laying flat on a surface, behind a rifle, with the majority of the torso and legs in contact with that surface.
Knelling: Both feet and at least 1 knee must be in contact with the shooting surface.
Squatting: Both feet must be in contact with the shooting surface, with the knees bent fully to cause the calf and the thigh to touch.
Standing: Both feet in contact with the shooting surface and the legs fully extending to an erect position.
Sitting: With the buttocks in contact with the shooting surface.
12. Any team who receives a disqualification or a DNF (Did Not Finish) will be scored as follows:
- No team points will be assigned in that event.
- The team time will be 1 second slower than the slowest team in that event.
13 . No shooter will be allowed down range. Targets will be brought to a designated area for scoring and viewing.
14. Each course of fire and how it will be scored will be explained prior to the start of that course and at the team leaders meeting. You will be able to ask questions during each course briefing.
15. All targets will be scored by a scoring panel of judges and confirmed by another judge before points are assigned. All targets will be made available to the shooter for review as soon as possible.
16. Event winners will be determined by total team points. Time will be used as a tie breaker in each event. The overall winner will be determined by the overall team points with the total overall time being used as a tie breaker.
17. All teams shall report to the event staging area when scheduled. Any team that fails to report for their scheduled run shall be disqualified from that event unless exigent circumstances exist. It shall be the duty of the team leader to report any exigent circumstances to the line judges and the conference coordinator. They shall determine if an exigent circumstance delay is permitted.
18. Only the event competitors will be permitted inside what is established as the range perimeter. This will be set by an obvious boundary.
19. Any team that receives any material of physical assistance from anyone outside their own two-man team during the course of the event will be disqualified. This rule does not apply to medical emergencies or perceived emergencies, and it is not intend to preclude anyone from cheering or shouting advice.
20. Any and all protest must be made by the team leader, to the line judge for that event within 10 minutes of completion of the event in question. If the team leader does not agree with the line judge's decision, he may appeal the decision to the conference coordinator. The decision of the conference coordinator will be the final decision. All reasonable efforts will be made to settle the protest. Video replays shall be allowed during appeals if the protesting team has video and so chooses. Conference video will not be available for this purpose. Video replays showing violations of another team will absolutely be prohibited.
21. No alcohol is permitted on any part of the range at any time. Competitors found in possession of or under the influence of alcohol will be disqualified from the competition.
Competitors shall maintain the integrity of the event and the respective departments that they represent. Misconduct of any kind during the event or at any event related activity will not be tolerated. This will reflect negatively on everyone involved, and could threaten the future of the event. The event sponsors and staff want everyone to have a good time but we must do so in a professional manner. The Gastonia Sniper Conference Committee has gone to great lengths to make this a fair competition for all teams.
The conference staff reserves the right to make any necessary changes to any rule with reasonable notice to competitors.
A team leader or his designee will attend every scheduled briefing.